Sunday, January 11, 2009

E-Waste: A Dirty Little Secret

In my cleaning frenzy over the holidays, I found our stash of old electronics. A forgotten drawer filled with old cell phones, keyboards, peripherals, chargers, cords, and sundry stuff. I then thought about the half dozen tvs and airconditioners in storage. I know that you're not supposed to just throw this stuff, but why, and what should I do with it?

Here's some eye-opening facts:

-400 million electronic items are discarded each year, and less than 20% are recycled

-130,000 million mobile phones are tossed each year

-Computer or television displays (CRTs) contain lead, cadmium and mercury, all health hazards when not properly recycled

-Our e-waste is being shipped to developing countries like China, Nigeria, and India for recycling, in dangerous and hazardous conditions.

Some interesting links from Time Magazine: E-Waste and Recycling Overseas, E-Waste and What to Do with It.

-Chicago Recycling Coalition offers a comprehensive list of recycling options for all types of stuff. It's your best local resource for ideas and options.

What did I decide to do with all of our stuff?

All phones to Collective Good, a group that reuses and recycles phones for charity. Old computers and usable peripherals to Computers for Schools, an organization refurbishes computers for use in local public schools, and the old tvs and air conditioners? I'm giving away through the Freecycle Network.

Any other ideas?


Anonymous said...

Mary -

Check out this site/blog. Not quite useful, but very thought provoking and creative on the subject of "stuff":

You may inspire me to plow through my drawers of endless cables and other antique electronica.

MaryB said...

it's wonderful and quirky. Thanks for reco.